Our Energy Future

Thank you for visiting. This site is your source for learning how together we can create a more sustainable future.
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Your input helped to shape MGE's Energy 2030 framework for our community's energy future.

A foundational objective in our Energy 2030 framework for a more sustainable future is ensuring all customers enjoy the economic and environmental benefits of our ongoing clean energy transition. By 2030, we expect to deliver our customers electricity with 80% fewer carbon emissions. Under our commitment, by 2050, we expect to deliver net-zero carbon electricity! 

Our framework includes:

•    greater use of renewable resources 
•    reduced carbon emissions
•    increased energy efficiency and conservation
•    new products and services, and
•    deepening of community engagement.

If we can go further faster by working together with our customers, we will.

We're building your community energy company for the future that meets our community's needs and balances and reflects our shared values. We look forward to working together with you, our customers, to achieve our goals.