Reduce Your Footprint With MGE's Renewable Natural Gas Option 

MGE is the first utility in the state to offer this option to customers.  

MGE is offering a new sustainable energy option for our natural gas customers. Our new Green Power Tomorrow (GPT) renewable natural gas (RNG) option, known as GPT RNG, combines the environmental benefits of renewable energy with the reliability of natural gas.  

RNG is a processed biogas derived from organic waste material, such as food, yard and animal waste. It also can be produced from degradable carbon sources, such as paper, cardboard and wood. Our GPT RNG option is a way for customers to reduce their footprint by offsetting their greenhouse gas emissions from their use of natural gas.

How GPT RNG works 

Under GPT RNG, customers pay an incremental charge to participate, selecting either a set number of therms each month to offset through GPT RNG or a percentage of their monthly usage. Renewable Thermal Certificates (RTCs) are purchased by MGE on the customer's behalf to offset the emissions associated with the customer's use of natural gas. RTC units are added as an incremental energy charge of $1.78 per therm to your monthly natural gas bill (either as a set number of therms or as a percentage of your usage). 


Why the added cost? 

Since this technology is new, collecting, processing and converting organic materials into pipeline-quality gas is an expensive process today. As demand grows for RNG, it's expected production costs will decrease.  

MGE does not set the price of the RTCs—it is a pass-through cost set by the market. We apply a nominal administrative fee to cover costs associated with administration of the program. The purchase of RTCs is tracked by M-RETS, a nonprofit organization that tracks environmental attributes. 


Net-zero methane emissions by 2035 

MGE has a goal to achieve net-zero methane emissions from our natural gas distribution system by 2035. This new GPT RNG option is another way MGE is building on our commitment to advancing safe, reliable and sustainable energy. Visit to learn more. 

published: Aug-29-2024